Saturday 8 August 2020

Two Princeton Graduates Attempt To Set Up College Bubble In Hawaii & Arkansas

 2 Princeton grads set up a 'bubble' remote college campus in ...

Lane Russell & Adam Bragg left their jobs to make "The U Experience" happen.

(c) Instagram - @adambragg

Two Princeton Grads, Lane Russell and Adam Bragg, have come up with an idea to help college students fill the void of no social and extracurricular activities as they prepare for online classes this upcoming school year due to the Coronavirus. They are calling it "The U Experience."

Instead of students taking classes from their homes, an alternative "bubble" hotel, bought out by Bragg and Russell, will be available to students in either Hawaii or Arkansas.

"Something like this could have never been done before — mainly because the separation of a college experience from colleges was never possible. They held the college experience for ransom, and now that they've shifted to online learning, there is an opportunity to do something like this," Bragg said.

All students will have their own single rooms & meal plans will be offered. The Arkansas campus will start of at $12,000 while the Hawaii Campus will have a base of $15,000.

The U Experience has been garnering a lot of interest and the founders are hoping to give out scholarships.

"If we risk a couple of months and have to get back on our feet after this, that'll be a small price to pay for having gotten the idea out there and maybe helping people," Russell said.

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