Monday 27 July 2020

High School Sweethearts Married For 46 Years Overcome Cancer, Chemo & COVID-19

Couple married for 46 years beat coronavirus, cancer and chemo ...
Robert & Janice Beecham are happy to be recovering.
(c)Robert & Janice Beecham 

Robert and Janice Beecham have overcome a storm in their lives and are happy that better days are ahead.

Despite following social distancing guidelines, Robert and Janice began to feel symptoms of having the coronavirus. On March 26, Robert tested positive for the virus and began his journey to recovery with Dr. Satyam Nayek.

Janice however, recently found out she had breast and ovarian cancer after recovering from a surgery in February while also testing positive for COVID-19.

"Once I got home, and we did the quarantine, I was getting progressively better but Janice still had issues with her health...We're best friends, it was just tough." Robert said. 

Dr. Nayak came up with a plan for Mr. Beecham to get home on time for his anniversary with his wife while having all the care he needed. 

Now, that they have survived both coronavirus diagnoses, cancer, chemotherapy and the surgeries, the Beecham couple only had one thing to say. 

"It would have been impossible to make it with all the odds against you without God, and he has been our help, all these many years," Robert said.

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